Reunion 2015 Set on 7.25.2015 in Boston
Dear PKU Bio-Net alumni,
It is my pleasure to announce that 2015 PKU Bio-Net Reunion will be held at Merck Research Laboratories Campus (Boston) on July 25th, 2015 (SAT).
We would love to hear from you:
If you have an inspiring speaker (PKU alumni) in mind, please leave a comment or contact us.
If you would like to promote your company products or services, and sponsor our reunion, please contact us.
Contact info:
单铭(Ming SHAN), Organizing Committee Chair,, Bio 01′
萧安(An XIAO), Treasurer,, Bio 01′
As discussed before, we will accept abstract submission from you and select a few to give short talks. More details coming.
Please check website for regular updates. Only *important* news will be announced here at LinkedIn group.
Yi Liu, Bio 01′