2024 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Held in San Francisco on October 12th


我们诚挚地邀请您参加2024年第十三届北京大学北美生物学年会! 今年的年会将于10月12日在旧金山北部的Buck Institute盛大召开。 在这里,我们将汇聚历届杰出校友,回顾我们在燕园的美好时光,并深入交流学术前沿与职业发展机会。

自2009年首次举办以来,在众多校友及北大生科校友会的鼎力支持下, 北大生物医学北美校友年会已发展成为北大生命科学领域的重要传统盛事。 每年,由毕业十周年的校友年级主办,为广大的生科校友及各界朋友提供了一个相聚、交流与合作的平台,承上启下,凝聚力量。 今年的年会将在北大生科院校友会的指导下,由北大生科院2010级在美校友主办,2011级校友协办, 2010级校友与北京大学北加州校友会具体承办。继承这一优良传统, 我们衷心希望此次年会能够为北大生科校友及其紧密合作伙伴提供一个卓有成效的交流、分享与学习的平台。


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2023 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Held in Boston on October 14th

我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加第十二届北京大学北美生物医学年会暨北大生科北美校友年会!本次活动将于2023年10月14日于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(波士顿大区)的麻省理工大学STATA Center举行。年会旨在为身在北美的北大生科校友提供一个相聚的机会,也为各位不同院系的校友以及工作在生物医学领域的人士提供一个学术交流与职业发展的平台。


Details: https://pkubio.org/boston2023/

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2022 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in Dallas on November 5th







详细会议信息和注册链接: https://pkubio.org/dallas2022/


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2019 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in Boston on June 15th

Update: 网站上线,了解更多详情请移步:



我们荣幸地邀请您参加第十届北京大学生命科学(与医学)北美年会!本活动又名北京大学生科北美校友年会,将于 2019 6 15 日于美国波士顿市的哈佛大学医学院举行。年会旨在为居住在北美的众多北大生科校友提供一个团聚的机会;也为北大生科校友以及工作于生物医药领域的与会人士提供一个学术交流、职业发展的平台。



2019 北京大学生命科学北美年会组织委员会



— = 预通知 = —



我们荣幸地邀请您参加第十届北京大学北美生物医学年会。本次年会将于2019年6月15日于哈佛大学医学院 (Harvard Medical School) 举行。



高宁(北京大学)、王萌(HHMI、贝勒医学院)、杨晓勇(耶鲁大学)、苏晓磊(耶鲁大学)、陈崇毅(NIH)、魏东(EdiGene)、Han Jiawen(齐鲁制药)、Lucy Li(Beigene)、Nanxin Li(uniQure)、徐翀(F-Prime Capital)、谭验(Xbiome)、窦伟(Hehmeyer)、郭彤(杜克大学)、周舟(Analysis Group)、陈婧(Foley & Lardner LLP)、魏国兴(Tiantu Capital)。





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2018 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in San Francisco on June 9th


时间:2018年6月9号全天8:30AM – 6:00PM
地点:加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)Mission Bay校区
买票戳这里: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pku-bio-net-2018-tickets-43277809092
更多信息戳这里: https://pkubio.org/sf2018/




2018 北京大学生命科学北美年会组织委员会

Invitation to the 9th PKU Bio-Net Symposium

Time: June 9th, 2018, 8:30am-6:00pm
Venue: UCSF Mission Bay Campus
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pku-bio-net-2018-tickets-43277809092
Website: https://pkubio.org/sf2018/

Today, it has been…
120 years since the founding of Peking University
93 years since the creation of Peking University School of Life Sciences
9 years since the inaugural PKU Bio-Net symposium

Most of us were not able to witness these moments in person,
So don’t miss the the 9th PKU Bio-Net symposium!
It is only 2 months away. You are cordially invited!

The Organization Committee of PKU Bio-Net 2018

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2017 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in New York City on July 22

Please check https://pkubio.org/nyc2017/ for future updates.

我们荣幸地邀请您参加第八届北京大学生命科学(与医学)北美年会!本活动又名北京大学生科北美校友年会,将于 2017 7 22 日于美国纽约市的康奈尔大学威尔医学院举行。年会旨在为居住在北美的众多北大生科校友提供一个团聚的机会;也为北大生科校友以及工作于生物医药领域的与会人士提供一个学术交流、职业发展的平台。



2017 北京大学生命科学北美年会组织委员会


You are cordially invited to attend the 8th PKU Bio-Net Symposium, also known as the 2017 Peking University School of Life Sciences North America Alumni Reunion. The symposium presents a perfect opportunity for the Peking University School of Life Sciences alumni living in North America to get back together. It also provides alumni of Peking University Life Sciences as well as other life sciences professionals an excellent platform for networking and sharing information regarding the latest development in the biology arena and career opportunities. The symposium will be held on Saturday July 22nd, 9 AM – 5:30 PM at Weill Cornell Medical College Uris Auditorium, New York, NY, USA.

The annual Bio-Net Symposium is a tradition honored by the Peking University School of Life Sciences alumni. Since 2009, almost every year a symposium has been organized by the undergraduate class of alumni that had graduated for 10 years. One purpose of this tradition is to strengthen relationships among the alumni. For eight years, the symposium has served Peking University alumni from all over North America as well as friends and life sciences professionals around the world. Attendees range from alumni who went to Peking University in the 1950s to young students who had recently arrived in United States. A common topic for attendees is the good old friendships formed at the beautiful campus of Peking University.

The 8th symposium is organized by alumni from undergraduate class of 2007 (enrolled in 2003) and supported by Peking University School of Life Sciences Alumni Association and Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York.

Dr. Hong Wu, Dean of Peking University School of Life Sciences and Dr. Chong-Ren Xu, former Dean of Peking University School of Life Sciences will speak at the symposium, bringing greetings from the Alma mater. Highly prestigious speakers from academia and healthcare industry will share their knowledge and experience, with topics including academic breakthroughs, drug development, intellectual property, healthcare policy, and entrepreneurship. Intended as a platform for resources to be shared and integrated, the symposium provides attendees with wonderful opportunities to connect and collaborate.

We look forward to seeing you at the symposium in July!


The Organization Committee of PKU Bio-Net 2017

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2016 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in San Francisco on May 28

Please check https://pkubio.org/sf2016 for future updates.



请登录我们的网站https://pkubio.org/sf2016 了解年会的详细内容,并在线注册。如果您对于本次年会有任何问题,或者您的公司有意赞助本次年会、推广产品,请联系我们 [email protected]


March 11, 2016
Dear Peking University Alumni,

We are excited to announce that PKU Bio-Net Symposium 2016 will be held on May 28th, 2016 at the University of California, San Francisco.

The symposium is organized by Class of 2002, School of Life Sciences, PKU with the support of PKU School of Life Sciences Alumni Association and PKU Alumni Association of Northern California. We have invited highly recognized speakers from academia, healthcare, IT, legal and finance industry to share their experience and knowhow. We aim to foster young professionals’ network, provide integration platform of resources, and create opportunities for collaborations. Please help to spread this news to your friends or colleagues who are interested in biomedical science or healthcare industry.

Please visit our website at https://pkubio.org/sf2016 for more information and online registration. If you have any questions, or if you would like to advertise any products or services and sponsor our symposium, please contact us at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium in May!

The organizing committee of PKU Bio-Net 2016

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2015 PKU Bio-Net Reunion Back to Boston on July 25th

This time, our Bio 01’s are in charge of organizing.

Thanks to the Grade 01′ organizers, the sixth (2015) PKU Bio Reunion will be held on July 25th (Saturday) at Merck Research Laboratories, Boston. More information when available will be updated here:


Please pass on this news to your family, friends, and all who might be interested in joining us in Boston this summer.

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Location, location, location: What Linked-In says about PKU Bio-Net

Linked-In tells us:

Screen Shot 2013-07-21 at 11.11.24 PM

For more statistics, please go to the linkedin page:


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2013 PKU Bio-Net Reunion Set in San Diego on July 20th

Hi, PKU Bio-Net community,

Thanks to 99′ Bioers, 2013 (5th) PKU Bio-Net Reunion will be held in America’s finest city — San Diego (Yeah, I’m local this time –Yi) on SATurday July 20th, and preliminary location is UC San Diego.

More information will SOON be available here at


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