2016 PKU Bio-Net Symposium Set in San Francisco on May 28

Please check https://pkubio.org/sf2016 for future updates.



请登录我们的网站https://pkubio.org/sf2016 了解年会的详细内容,并在线注册。如果您对于本次年会有任何问题,或者您的公司有意赞助本次年会、推广产品,请联系我们 [email protected]


March 11, 2016
Dear Peking University Alumni,

We are excited to announce that PKU Bio-Net Symposium 2016 will be held on May 28th, 2016 at the University of California, San Francisco.

The symposium is organized by Class of 2002, School of Life Sciences, PKU with the support of PKU School of Life Sciences Alumni Association and PKU Alumni Association of Northern California. We have invited highly recognized speakers from academia, healthcare, IT, legal and finance industry to share their experience and knowhow. We aim to foster young professionals’ network, provide integration platform of resources, and create opportunities for collaborations. Please help to spread this news to your friends or colleagues who are interested in biomedical science or healthcare industry.

Please visit our website at https://pkubio.org/sf2016 for more information and online registration. If you have any questions, or if you would like to advertise any products or services and sponsor our symposium, please contact us at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium in May!

The organizing committee of PKU Bio-Net 2016

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